About Us

Reh’ma Community Services would like to thank you for your contributions.
With your support we can continue and succeed in serving the needy seniors, women and newcomers.
With over thirteen years of grass-roots based experience in implementing community based programs and projects, we understand the socio, economic and cultural factors behind poverty. Therefore everyday, our thrust is to improve the living conditions of our clients and their families. Please join us in this cause.
There are many ways you can donate. Through your donation we can continue to:
✅ Address the food security issue of seniors and individuals with disabilities who are in need
✅ Provide skills development training to women who come from marginalized backgrounds
✅ Assist New comers to find employment and settle in Canada

Monthly Giving: Join our monthly giving program by giving one dollar a day. Donate by safe and secure way of online donation by clicking on Canada Helps button
One Time Donation: Make one time donation to sponsor any of our event or support any of our program
Items Needed: You can support us by a small way. Please donate food items such as oil, rice, pulses, meat, fruits and vegetables which can help us in preparing meals for our seniors
Memory / Legacy Giving: You can give in the memory of loved ones who passed away. You can also make a bequest in your will or other planned gift in your estate. Please contact us at: 416-510-0880 / info@rehma-cs.org
Corporate Giving: Be a partner to support our community based programs and services. We will work with you to bring the desired impact of your social responsibility’s mandate
All donations are tax-deductible. An official tax-deductible receipt is issued immediately by email through online donations.

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