
Halal Meals On Wheels
This program address the food security issue of seniors who are residing at Throncliffe Park, Victoria village and Flemingdon Park where there are deep pockets of poverty. Through funding support from Muslim Welfare Centre seniors receive freshly cooked, South Asian Meals which are halal on every Tuesday’s and Friday’s. These free meals are delivered at the door-step of seniors. Reh’ma serves over 1200 meals on a monthly basis.
Seniors Network for Integration
Funded by Ontario Trillium Foundation, this project is community action participatory action research to assists seniors of Muslim and South Asian backgrounds to reduce their cultural, technological and language barriers by building a seniors network for community participation and integration.
Inclusive Dining
The inclusive dining program gives opportunity to seniors and individuals with disabilities to come together. Every Thursday, the dining program is held at Reh’ma where many seniors come together, they socialize, make lasting friendships. and have fun.
Elder Abuse
Funded by City of Toronto and New Horizons for Seniors the project was an participatory action research to assist seniors to speak up on elder abuse. Through making of documentary “In my own family” seniors came together to voice their opinion, share their stories and bring community awareness.

Saheli Group
The Saheli group is formed of women who are seniors of South Asian origin. They meet every week for recreation and socialization to break their cycle of isolation. They play an integral role to support the services of senior’s through their friendly visitation and by giving moral and emotional support to each other.
High Tea
High Tea is a event to recognize and honor our elders who have contributed their services for the betterment of others and development of society. This event is held in a beautiful setting and involves youth, seniors and their families to volunteer.

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