Who we serve


REH’MA Food Enterprises

Through funding support from International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) REH’MA Food Enterprises is a one year certification free program in culinary arts. This is to assist culinary skills development and employment of un(der)employed, vulnerable Canadian newcomer women.

The certification program educates women in culinary skills, food production, food service and business management skills. Students enrolled gets opportunities to network and learn about food handling, food safety and storage, restaurant training, writing business plans, healthy cooking, resume building and various other related topics.

This has been running since 2013, every year women graduates are helped with employment . They also find their own niche markets, and set up their own businesses so that they are economically empowered and become contributing members to the society and country at large.

REH’MA House of Foods

REH’MA House of Foods is a social enterprise to support economic development of immigrant women who do not find employment because of language, education and technological barriers. Graduates of Reh’ma Food Enterprises are employed to cater for meetings, events, weddings and any private orders. The mission of this project is support income generation for immigrant women so that she can have a decent living.

To view detail information or our menu, please visit:

Combatting Domestic Violence

Battered women in the Canadian Muslim and South Asian community face a complex and uniquely difficult set of challenges. Many come from societies that believe that man is entitled to dominate and physically “discipline” his wife. These women are left further marginalized by the economic, linguistic and social isolation they face in their country of origin.

Through our various projects on breaking the cycle of violence we have enlighten and informed men regarding the devastation of domestic abuse, its root causes and provided them with the tools to prevent violence against women.

We use family centered, culturally and linguistically appropriate methods to inform boys, girls, men and women about their rights in Canada as well as how to prevent domestic violence situations and engage in more productive and fruitful familial relationships.

REH’MA Community Services believes that community education plays a major role in preventing violence against women. Through community workshops, seminars, and information sessions, we have helped to prevent, reduce, and combat violence against women.

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